It's hard to pick one Saul Bass poster to post to the blog, since they are all very brilliant and intriguing in their own different ways, but I decided to pick this one because it's a film that I haven't heard of until now, but the poster itself is persuading me to seek it out and view it. I love the balance in the design (using squares, grids and modules has always been a design favorite of mine, especially since it is the foundation of newspaper design) and the gloomy colors. The posters seems to communicate a vibe similar to the film Requiem for a Dream, an extremely dreary and depressing film about drug abuse, which seems to me like what The Man With The Golden Arm may be about. The blues and grays in the poster suggest this film would carry a similar tone. The most intriguing part of this design, however, is the blocky, craggy arm that reaches into the center of the poster. Although I haven't seen this movie before, the arm itself seems extremely familiar, which is a testament to the iconic brilliance of Bass' work.